vcpkg for Linux
vcpkg is a cross-platform open-source package manager developed by Microsoft. It allows developers to easily acquire and manage libraries and tools necessary for their C++ projects. While traditionally used with Windows, vcpkg has now expanded its support to Linux as well. In this article, we will discuss how to install and use vcpkg on a Linux system.
Table of Contents:
1. System Requirements
2. Installation
3. Integration with CMake
4. Managing Packages
5. Building Packages from Source
6. Conclusion
1. System Requirements:
Before installing vcpkg, ensure that your Linux system meets the following requirements:
- Ubuntu 18.04 or later, or a compatible distribution
- Git version 1.9 or later
- CMake version 3.15 or later
- GCC 7.5 or later
2. Installation:
To install vcpkg on Linux, follow these steps:
1. Clone the vcpkg repository from GitHub:
$ git clone
2. Change into the vcpkg directory:
$ cd vcpkg
3. Bootstrap the build process:
$ ./
This will install necessary build tools and create the 'vcpkg' executable.
4. Add vcpkg to your PATH:
$ export PATH=$PATH:$PWD
This will allow you to run vcpkg from anywhere in the terminal.
3. Integration with CMake:
vcpkg seamlessly integrates with CMake, making it easy to manage dependencies in your C++ projects. To use vcpkg with CMake:
1. Insert the following two lines in your CMakeLists.txt file, before the project() command:
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE /path/to/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake)
Adjust the path accordingly, depending on where you cloned the vcpkg repository.
2. Build your project as usual with CMake. vcpkg will be automatically used to download and configure the required packages.
4. Managing Packages:
vcpkg provides a wide range of pre-built packages that can be easily installed on your Linux system. To search for available packages:
$ vcpkg search
To install a package:
$ vcpkg install
To remove a package:
$ vcpkg remove
To update all installed packages:
$ vcpkg update
5. Building Packages from Source:
In addition to installing pre-built packages, vcpkg also supports building packages from source. This can be useful if you need to customize a package or if a pre-built binary is not available. To build a package from source using vcpkg:
$ vcpkg install
This will clone the source repository, build the package, and install it on your Linux system.
6. Conclusion:
vcpkg is a powerful package manager that simplifies the process of acquiring and managing libraries and tools for C++ projects on Linux. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily install vcpkg, integrate it with CMake, manage packages, and even build packages from source. Utilizing vcpkg can significantly streamline your development workflow and improve productivity.