


Docker Alpine镜像 安装php7


运行拉取alpine 镜像



安装 rc-service



/lib/烂空rc/sh/openrc-run.sh: line 273: can't create /sys/fs/cgroup/〜


awk: /etc/network/interfaces: No such file or directory



WARNING: nginx is already starting








在近期的项目中,需要在 Confluence 平台内搭建Latex工具,来实现数学公式的编写和渲染等功能。不拆斗同于其他基于java的封闭plugin包, Confluence 的Latex-plugin是需要依赖server端本地的latex和dvipng工具才能进行页面内的渲染的。如果是通常情况下,这个问题很好解决,但是实验室的 Confluence 是通过docker images直接起的,并且这个image的基底kernel是alpine这个可以称得上是裸kernel的发行版。所以通常的安装没办法进行了,于是只能动手编译撸一遍。


如何通过 alpine linux 让 docker 瘦身 7 倍

Docker 是一个开源工具,它可以让创建和管理 Linux 容器变得简单。容器就像是轻量级的虚拟机,并且可以以毫秒级的速度来启动或停止。Docker 帮助系统管理员和程序员在容器中开发应用程序,并且汪稿可以扩展到成千上万的节点。

容器和 VM(虚拟机)的主要区别是,容器提供了基于进程的困链孝隔离,而虚拟机提供了资源的完全隔离。虚拟机可能需要一分钟来启动,而容器只需要一秒钟或更短。容器使用宿主操作系统的内核,而虚拟机使用独立唤带的内核。

Docker 的局限性之一是,它只能用在 64 位的操作系统上。

Termux Qemu Alpine Docker

title: "蚂昌Termux Qemu Alpine Docker"

date: 2021-02-19T21:45:27+08:00

draft: true

tags: ['termux','alpine','qmeu','docker']

author: "dadigang"

author_cn: "大地缸"裂袭

personal: " "

This is a setup for runing docker on android, by the means of Termux, running alpine in qemu and them enabling docker on the Alpine.

This was only tested on Samsung S10e.

And start it.

First step was to setup VNC and Fluxbox, which is quite easy following termux VNC guide :

Enable x11 repository, install tiger-vnc and fluxbox:

Them start vncserver, it will ask you to setup password and other options, just follow on screen instructions:

Xvnc will them be running in background. We can now start fluxbox:

This will start fluxbox on the Xvnc server and lock the current terminal. You can also append an "肆物兄" on that command to start it in background.

You can stop fluxbox on the remote desktop.

You can stop vnc:

To access your VNC server, choose your RDP client (like Vinagre on Ubuntu, or VNC Viewer on Android) and connect to your phone IP on port 5901 (for display :1).

To discover your phone IP on the wifi:

Inside Fluxbox you can right-click on the desktop to get a menu and launch stuff like "aterm".

Qemu setup is quite easy, just small gotcha is that I had to use qemu from x11-repo instead of unstable headless, and do not really know why.

Installing Qemu:

That is it.

You will need the Alpine virtual ISO, that you can download from alpine website . Save it as alpine.iso to easy the typing:

Them you will need an image disk for the alpine installation to reside in:

Them you can launch Qemu installation of Alpine. I fyou are on an XVNC session, it will launch a QEMU window.

If you want to keep on the same terminal (not launching a new window) you can append "-nographic" to that last command.

If you are on a QEMU window you can click it to grab focus, and can CTRL+ALT+G to release focus. You can also CTRL+ALT+F to go fullscreen.

On a terminal, you can stop emulation with CTRL+A+X. There are several others Ctrl+A commands.

It will take a while for alpine to boot, but will them present you with a "Login:" terminal, just enter "root" to start.

This is a part that I had trouble, before starting setup inside alpine, you should setup proper network.

First, setup the interfaces, by editing /etc/network/interfaces to have the following content:

Save it, and restart the alpine network:

You should get an IP from the Qemu user network. Please be aware that ping does not work on this setup.

Them, and only them, you also need to add DNS servers, by editing /etc/resolv.conf to the following:

You can test by trying to setup just the repositories:

If this gives you a list of repos to choose from (About 40+), them it worked.

To start installation:

Just follow on screen instructions with attention. Be sure to choose to install on disk "sda" when prompted.

Once the installation is complete, shutdown Alpine by issuing halt"

When it says system halted, exit Qemu (either by CTRL+Alt+g and closing window, or by ctrl+a+x on the terminal).

To start alpine, simply run:

It will be take a while and give you a login prompt for the root user you setup.

The reason I installed it all is to run docker on alpine .

On alpine, edit /etc/pkg/repositories and uncomment comunity repository, them install docker:

Start the service and enable it on boot:

Test it out

On my machine a simple hello world take 1s to echo, while on this setup it takes 25s. Well, at least it works...


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