
# vscode golang debug

## Introduction

Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is a popular code editor among developers and it also offers great support for debugging various programming languages, including Go (or Golang). In this article, we will explore how to set up and use the debugger in VSCode for debugging Golang code.

## Installing Go Extension

Before we can start debugging Golang code in VSCode, we need to install the Golang extension. To do this, open VSCode and go to the Extensions tab on the sidebar. Search for "Go" and install the extension provided by the Go Team.

## Configuring Launch.json

After installing the Go extension, we need to configure the launch.json file to specify how the debugger should run our Golang code. Press `Ctrl + Shift + D` to open the Run and Debug sidebar, click on the gear icon to create a new launch.json file. Choose "Go" as the environment and VSCode will generate a default launch.json file for us.

## Setting Breakpoints

To debug our Golang code, we need to set breakpoints in our code where we want the debugger to pause execution. We can set breakpoints by clicking in the gutter area next to the line numbers in our code editor. When the debugger hits a breakpoint, it will pause execution and allow us to inspect the variables and step through the code.

## Starting Debugger

To start the debugger, we can press `F5` or click on the green play button in the top toolbar. The debugger will launch our Golang program with the specified configurations and stop at the breakpoints we have set. We can then use the debugging controls like step into, step over, and step out to navigate through our code.

## Inspecting Variables

While debugging our Golang code, we can inspect the values of variables in our code by hovering over them or by viewing them in the Variables tab of the Debug sidebar. This allows us to track the state of our program and identify any issues.

## Conclusion

Debugging Golang code in Visual Studio Code is a powerful tool that can help developers find and fix issues in their code more efficiently. By setting breakpoints, starting the debugger, and inspecting variables, we can gain insight into the behavior of our Golang programs and improve our development process.
